Key Findings
Key Finding 2

Data Streaming ROI & Investments Soar Higher

As businesses learn to do more with less, proving tech investment ROI has become even more critical. This ensures they are achieving value, despite limited resources. Our findings confirm data streaming continues to drive significant ROI and benefits across a wide range of business functions and industries

A sphere rolling a layered path

With Greater Maturity Comes 
Higher ROI

Our survey findings reveal a clear correlation between data streaming maturity and the achievement of higher levels of return on investment. As organizations progress through stages of maturity, the proportion achieving significant ROI increases dramatically.

Level 4

64% of IT leaders at companies where data streaming has become foundational to their business say their companies are achieving or anticipating 5x to 10x ROI

Overall achieved or anticipated ROI

    Level 3
    56% of IT leaders at companies where data streaming has become critical to individual parts of their business are achieving or anticipating more than 5x ROI
    Level 2
    Even companies at early stages of adoption stages see excellent results with data streaming: 67% say they are achieving or anticipating 2x to 5x ROI

    Delivering Multifaceted Business & Tech Benefits

    The strategic value and importance of data streaming is reflected in the breadth and depth of benefits companies are reporting across all industries—ranging from transforming customer experience to driving innovation with AI/ML.

    Creating rich customer experiences

    96% of respondents cite achieving or expecting significant benefits from their data streaming activities when it comes to creating rich and responsive customer experiences.

      The benefits increase markedly with each stage of maturity. For example, 87% in Level 4 realize significant data streaming benefits for creating customer experiences compared to 72% in Level 3.

      95% cite improving cybersecurity and enabling data-driven operations
      90% citing enabling product and service innovation around AI/ML

      A Strategic Priority for IT Investments

      Our survey results show data streaming has been firmly established as a core component of the modern technology stack and will continue to be a key investment focus area for organizations in the coming year and beyond.

      While, with the rise in cyberattacks, security continues to be one of the top strategic priorities or an important priority for IT investments—it’s followed by investments in data governance, data streaming, and AI and ML.

      How does investment in the following fit into your 2024 agenda?

          Key trends:

          68% say investments in data streaming will trend up in the coming two years
          18% cite investments in traditional batch-based processing as trending down.
          All responses

          What is the rough order of magnitude of ROI you have realized from your data streaming investments to date?

            Explore responses by:
            Actionable Advice:

            Secure C-Suite Buy-In

            The positive correlation between data streaming maturity and significant business returns underscores the importance of a long-term, strategic view of data streaming investments. It also highlights the value of advancing beyond initial, siloed use cases to a more integrated approach that leverages data streaming across the enterprise.

            Start with securing C-suite engagement and sponsorship.

            • Write a short business case that articulates both quantitative and qualitative benefits.
            • Ensure you highlight how the technology can help save operational costs, drive innovation, and mitigate risks.
            • For qualitative benefits, show the breadth of use cases and solutions it can unlock.
            • For inferring quantitative value, start with showcasing how simplifying and accelerating new use case development results in shorter time-to-market.